3 and potty trained - just finished Kindergarten

Family Camp Mornings 9:15-11:30  |  Monday - Friday

Family Camp Evenings 7:00  |  Sunday - Friday

"The Faith of a Little Seed"

Just like plants, flowers, and trees begin as little seeds and grow into something beautiful, a small seed of faith planted in us can grow into something beautiful that God can use to do big things for Him! Let's grow together!

  • Bring a clean, white t-shirt to paint by Thursday. (A.M. programming only)
  • Child must be 3 and fully potty trained by July 13th to be in the Preschool Class.

Preschoolers meet in the gym.

You can easily pre-register your preschooler today! Help our leaders prepare and you get to avoid the line the first day of camp.
Pre-Registration will close on July 1.