In recent decades, Prairie Camp struggled financially. But with excellent stewardship, the work of many volunteers year after year, the talents of a thrifty and innovative camp director and most importantly God's blessing, the camp is on solid financial footing. In fact, despite the pandemic, as of 2021 we've had a budget surplus for five years running. We have built a six-figure rainy day fund to ensure the camp will not burden the District in the future. All that has been achieved while construction a beautiful retreat center, a brand new state-of-the-art restroom facility, complete renovation of a key dormitory and the purchase and renovation of many cabin facilities.
Amazing as those recent projects have been, our kitchen and dining facility is our most daunting need and one that is well beyond the scope of our annual budget. At roughly 70 years old with many inherent issues, it is in rapid decline despite the best efforts of our caretakers.