The CREW (Campers ready equipped and willing), is an opportunity for high-school-aged volunteers to practically serve our guests at Family Camp July 13-19. While serving, the CREW members experience belonging with a group of people who follow Christ, leading them to grow in their relationships with God and others. Whether volunteering as a family assistant, F.R.E.E time event staff, helping in the dining hall or whatever, this is a great opportunity for having fun and working alongside other high schoolers.
Parents- Already going to be at Prairie Camp during Family Camp? Have your high schooler join the CREW! They have the opportunity to serve during the week, but still stay with and be a part of your family time.
Youth Leaders- Don't have a Summer mission trip planned yet? Do they typically cost too much? For just $60 per person, we would love to have you and your high school student ministry serve on the CREW this year!